May increase the thickness of the penis. The penis can quickly thicken in an extremely effective way. The best method to increase the diameter is to inject hyaluronic acid into the penis. You can also thicken the penis by installing an implant.
There are also non-surgical techniques. For example, it is possible to increase the diameter of the penis by using ointments on a natural or synthetic basis.
It is also possible to achieve growth through the use of medical extenders. In addition, the vacuum pump improves blood flow to the penis, and thus, increases its length and width visually.
Phallus expansion with hyaluronic acid
How to increase the thickness of the penis in the shortest possible time? Doctors say the most effective way is to inject hyaluronic acid into the genitals. The quick method is relatively harmless and inexpensive. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.
Surgery should not be performed if the patient has bacterial or fungal lesions of the penis, venereal disease, autoimmune disorders, anatomical malformations of the penis, balanitis.
The increase is done as follows:
- The patient's groin area is treated with an antiseptic solution.
- Next, local anesthesia is performed. An anesthetic gel or ointment may be used.
- The doctor then draws the hyaluronic acid into the syringe.
- The drug is injected evenly into the glans of the penis. If necessary, hyaluronic acid can be injected along the entire male stem.
After the procedure, the patient should abstain from sexual intercourse for a month. If necessary, the patient will be prescribed some medications to help avoid complications after surgery. Without fail, a man must follow the rules of intimate hygiene, regularly use antiseptics.
The disadvantage of the surgical method is that the effect lasts no more than 6-12 months.
Vacuum pumps
You can increase the thickness of the penis by using a vacuum pump. At the same time, these products help to slightly dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the cavernous bodies. This is why pumps are widely used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Regular use of the pump will visually increase the thickness of the penis by stretching the cavernous body. These products include a jar with a lid, an erection ring and a "pear" that allows you to create a vacuum.
The principle of using the pump is as follows:
- Wash the penis with soapy water and pat dry.
- Lubricate the end of the flask and penis with lubricant.
- Put the penis (not abraded) into the jar.
- Next, using the "pear", you need to create a vacuum in the product.
- Keep the penis inside the bulb for about 2-4 minutes. Over time, the duration of the procedure can be increased to 7-8 minutes.
The pump should only be used no more than 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to use the product in the presence of vascular disease, bacterial or fungal lesions of the penis, foreskin disease, diabetes.
You cannot keep a member in a vacuum for a long time. If the duration of the procedure is increased to 15-20 minutes, then hematoma and swelling may appear on the genitals.
How to increase the thickness of the penis at home? Judging by the opinion of men, prolonged use of substances is a very effective technique. They help to enlarge and lengthen the penis.
The downside of extenders is the fact that they don't give instant results. Improvement will be noticed no earlier than 2-3 months of treatment. Rules for using the product are as follows:
- Wash the penis with soapy water and dry the skin.
- Put a ring on your penis. It should rest on the inguinal region, i. e. at the base of the penis.
- Gently pull the foreskin and attach the supplied soft mucosa to the anal fissure.
- Then fasten the strap (loop) to the lining.
During prolonged use of the substance, pain should not occur. Doctors recommend wearing the product for about 2-3 hours. Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden to put it on an erect penis.
With regular use of the extender, you can lengthen the penis by 2-3 cm and increase the thickness by 0. 5-1. 5 cm.
Considering the question of how to enlarge the penis in diameter, one cannot ignore the pseudo-element. This thickening technique is very expensive.
The essence of the fallacy is simple. Doctors clean the cavernous bodies of the penis, while maintaining the integrity of the urethra. Then the surgeon will insert prostheses instead of cavernous bodies. If necessary, part of the implant will be placed in the scrotum or drainage cavity.
Today, 3 types of prostheses are used:
- A part of. They are ordinary laminated silicone cylinders. A harness is installed in the center of the implant. The disadvantage of such prostheses is that when inserted, the penis is always in an erect state.
- Two ingredients. The hydraulic prosthesis consists of two silicone cylinders and a pressure pump. The delivery pump is inserted into the scrotum.
- Three ingredients. Inflatable Phalloprosthes consists of a cylinder, a pump and a reservoir. The components are connected to each other by pipes. To get an erection, you need to press on the scrotum several times. 3-jaw dentures bring the best aesthetic effect.
Rhinoplasty surgery has many complications. For example, during the first 2-3 weeks, a man may experience severe pain in the penis and scrotum. Bacterial lesions of the penis cannot be excluded. To avoid these complications, people need to take pain relievers (pain relievers) and antibiotics.
Falloprostheses help to increase not only the width but also the length of the penis. Moreover, the procedure allows you to significantly lengthen and thicken the penis (20-40%).
phallus . expansion potion
Several drugs can be used to make the penis thicker and longer.
The active ingredient of the gel is dihydrotestosterone (the active form of testosterone). The ingredient helps to accelerate the synthesis of structural proteins, RNA, DNA. The drug stimulates oxidative phosphorylation of ATP synthesis.
The drugs are often used when male penis size is caused by androgen deficiency. The gel must be applied to the penis once a day. The daily dose is 2. 5 mg.
Men with prostate cancer, prostatitis, cardiovascular system disorders, kidney or liver dysfunction should not use the gel.
Increasing the length and thickness of the penis is not only with the help of hormonal drugs. Functional foods derived from plants are very effective.
The supplement has no contraindications to use. But doctors recommend against using supplements for men who are prone to allergic reactions.
The advantage of natural gels is that they not only help to thicken the penis, but also significantly improve erection, as well as increase libido (sexual desire).