If there was a common and non-dangerous way to increase penis thickness then this question would have long been forgotten. However, there are proven methods that can be followed to achieve the true thickness of the penis.
The growth of all tissues in the human body is ensured by increased blood flow, promoting the process of cell division.

It is not just blood flow and nutrients that support tissue growth. The signal for anabolism is the hormone testosterone, responsible for a man's major markers and the size of his dignity. But it must be remembered that growth (in length, width or thickness) always has natural boundaries.
Natural increase
This penis enlargement includes relatively safe methods that do not require surgery. The technicians are completely manual or use special equipment. Put simply, they can be broken down into length (stretching) and girth (vascular exercise) goals.
- Manual stretching - different types of manual penis stretching.
- Penis stretching - lengthening the penis with a special stretching device.
- Suspension - a weight is suspended from the penis, as a result the penis gradually stretches, over time leading to its enlargement.
Vascular exercise:
- Jelqing - creates pressure in the penis by hand, thanks to a special massage method.
- Clip is an extreme NPL technique for increasing the thickness of the penis, based on clamping the base of the erect penis with a clamp.
- Pump - creates pressure in the penis using the pump. There are vacuum, water (hydraulic) and electric pumps.
Losing weight is also a basic way to increase male dignity, as the fat on the pubic can hide centimeters of the penis.
For beginners who do not know where to start, there is a special training program "The Beginners Program", which includes only manual exercises. This program includes all the exercises needed for early development.
There are several surgical methods to scale, but most of them carry great risks and often do not lead to the desired results:
- Ligamentectomy is the most common surgery performed by cutting the ligament of the penis. After cutting the ligament, the inside of the penis is pulled out with a special stretcher.
- Lipofilling - injected into the subcutaneous layer of the penis with man's own adipose tissue - auto fat.
- Hyaluronic acid injection - a series of injections into the penis of a special synthetic gel based on hyaluronic acid.
Home methods of increasing size
The main goal of penis enlargement is to choose a method that doesn't waste time and money.
The most radical method. Not every man decides how to enlarge his penis with surgery. All the other methods are inferior to it working, however, the price makes it out of reach for many people. There are two types of surgical interventions:
- Add length.
- Thickening.
Anatomically, the penis can be enlarged up to 4 cm under local anesthesia in the clinic.
Micropenis | the size of the penis is not more than three centimeters |
Hypospadias | pathology in which the urethral opening may not be at the head but below: in the perineum, in the scrotum. The penis can be deformed, underdeveloped. |
Goods Fibers | pathological integration of cavernous tissue, its replacement with fibrous tissue. |
Epispadias | separates into the urethra, partially or completely. |
Peyronie's Disease | curvature of the penis due to fibroids |
Changing gender | Complete genital reconstruction |
Injury |
There are no direct indications for penis enlargement surgery, which is a shaping procedure, known as ligamentectomy. Phalloplasty is performed in urological centers and private clinics.
These recommendations, which will be discussed in the article, will help make your penis fat. Unlike advice and methods given by all kinds of "experts", these are absolutely safe for health.
So, for example, implanting small metal balls under the skin can cause pus formation and infectious diseases. And the products that strain the genitals can lead to the rupture of capillaries and ligaments.
Important! It is worth remembering that results may vary. They depend on the techniques used and the desired size increase. The mean index of the thickness is equal to five centimeters.
You can often find advertisements in which a variety of creams are introduced as a means of quickly enlarging the penis. This is simply misleading to everyone, as the creams themselves do not directly enlarge the penis.
But not everything is as such. Specialized creams for penis enlargement often act as a good adjunct to jelqing. Many of these creams warm and moisturize the penis well during exercise, so they are often used by beginners. Taking these remedies without exercise will have no results.
There are many alternatives to these tools. Various oils and ointments can be used as lubricants. For example, regular sunflower oil or olive oil, kerosene.
How to increase the diameter of the penis?
There are several ways to thicken the penis at home, to increase the volume, but the main ones are:
- The pump.
- Nozzle.
- The exercise set.
- Various creams.
To define a more convenient and convenient way for a man, you need to look at each of the above.
The ways listed really make your penis bigger. We'll look at the features of each in more detail below.
The results of the application are short-term, so pump use will be optimal before initiation of intercourse.
To increase the thickness of the fluff, people often use special attachments. This device cannot achieve a strong effect, and it is only used during intercourse, but in terms of its simplicity it allows you to achieve a satisfactory thickness of the penis.
Little can be said about its practical application, as the nature of the mechanism is quite simple. Before sex, a member is placed in it, and after the act of ejaculation, it is removed from there.
While opinions vary between half of the world's male population, penis thickening surgery is the most effective way. The main advantage of using it is the speed at which the desired result is achieved.
It's important to know that there is some sort of action:
- Muscle transplantation.
- The Perovik Technique.
- Sewing balls under the skin on the genitals.
- Fills lips.
- Cut the ligament.
Need the first implant on the list if you want to thicken the penis within three centimeters. During surgery, tissue is taken from the smooth muscles of the press, then wrapped around the cavernous bodies.

The results will be correct, but you need to be patient, as recovery can take up to a year.
As mentioned before, transplanting balls is one of the most risky and dangerous maneuvers. But the essence of it is simple: they choose special balls made of hypoallergenic material and sew them under the skin.
In the fat filling method, fibers are implanted into the penis from problem areas of the body by injection, which increases male dignity.
Among the exercises, special attention should be paid to the so-called jelqing, as its implementation is quite simple and effective.
First you need to achieve a full erection, then put the penis between your index finger and thumb at the base. Press and at slow speed, lead to the head, then switch hands.
In the case of acute pain, the exercise should be stopped immediately and not repeated until it has stopped.
Gels and Ointments
Just apply the gel to your penis. More detailed information is attached in the instructions: dosage, number of applications, frequency of massage, etc. v. Thanks to the use of special preparations, you can easily increase your penis size.
To sum it up, we can safely say that the answer to the question about male thickness gain is positive. The most important thing for people who want to improve a part of their body is to choose the safest and most comfortable option for the price.
But unfortunately, men forget that the penis is not only subject to female impressions, but above all a part of the body. Therefore, the desire to thicken it is not always fulfilled without negative consequences. Now you know how to make your penis big.
Penis enlargement methods vary widely, do they have any effect?
- Yes, of course, but if a young man does not have the strength to exercise in the morning, it is unlikely he will be able to exercise regularly day after day.
- No more than 5% of members are really small in nature. Therefore, don't worry about length and volume. Learn to own your instrument and not leave a woman indifferent.
How to increase penis thickness: diameter, volume, at home
Naturally obtained data is not always completely suitable for a person. For men, the size of the penis is of great importance. There is an opinion that the quality of sexual life depends on the thickness and length of the penis.
That is why many members of males want to know how to increase the thickness of the penis. There are medical, surgical, and manual techniques for altering the structure of an organ. Each of them has special features and a list of contraindications.
Before you start using one of the methods, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances.
Specifies for the procedure
Self-assessment of the size of the penis is in most cases subjective. Therefore, if in doubt, consult a doctor.
This will determine if adjustment is really needed. The average size of the herd is 16 cm in length and 8 cm in weight. An error of 2-3 cm is allowed in both one direction and the other. The intensity of the deviations depends on how thick the penis is increased.

With lasting self-satisfaction by using the small diameter, you can make your penis smaller.
In the event of a slight deviation, it is enough to just take conservative measures. These include the use of different creams and supplements. In difficult situations, surgical intervention is required.
The instructions for the volume adjustment procedure are as follows:
- dissatisfied partner with intimacy;
- psychological disorder due to insufficient penis size;
- retarded physical development;
- hormonal disorders.
Ways to change the thickness
Penis thickening method is selected on an individual basis. Whatever option you choose, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists. Only then, the results will be remarkable.
All possible methods are conventionally divided into the following groups:
- exercise and massage; surgical methods
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- take medicine; vacuum pumps
- .
Surgical methods
Carry out surgical interventions if other methods do not produce the desired results. The surgeon will tell you in details how to increase the diameter of the penis.
Surgery to correct the shape of the genitals is considered to be one of the most difficult cases. Not every man decides about it because of the high risk of side effects.
There are several methods of penis correction surgery. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

As part of the fat filling process, the penis is thickened by injecting adipose tissue from other areas of the man's body. The main advantage of the operation is its low material removal capacity.
In most cases the result is saved for the rest of its life. But over time, the injected tissue may become thinner. After a while, a second operation may be required.
Performing surgical stretching is one of the most risky but effective ways.
The process is done in several stages:
- Preparation, including the delivery of necessary tests and through various specialists.
- Gather fat cells from the thighs and buttocks;
- Clean up cells taken from ichor and other impurities.
- Brings cells into the penis evenly.
- Wear a bandage during recovery.
Mechanical Matching
During transplantation, muscle tissue is taken from the area of the corset or armpits. The increase in volume of the penis is accomplished by "wrapping" it in prepared tissue.
These are fixed by stitching circuits. As a result of the procedure, the thickness of the organ increases 3-4 cm.
Perovik Techniques
The most difficult operation is done using the penovik technique. It implies complete detachment of parts of the penis in order to implant a cartilage frame between them. This type of operation is performed in extreme cases. This is due to the high likelihood of complications.
These include the following:
- scar formation; inflammatory process
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- rejects strange tissue;
- reduces the sensitivity of the organ;
- improperly fused tissue.
Post-operative recovery takes about 12 months. To stop the inflammation, you will need to take antibiotics for the first time. Should limit sexual activity. If you have the slightest sign of complications, you should seek medical attention.
A specific but equally popular method of increasing the circumference of a man's genitals is to transplant marbles. They are made of hypoallergenic material. This procedure allows you to increase the thickness of the penis in certain areas.
Hence, during the intimate process, additional stimulation is given to the partner's corrosion points. The advantages of this procedure include ease of implementation.
Foreign body transplant is not only a surgeon, but also an expert in the field of body editing.
When injecting different materials under the skin, a man should be on the lookout for complications. There is a possibility of material inflammation and elimination.
Method not working
The main advantage of non-surgical penis thickening methods is safety with health and a low chance of complications. How can you increase the size and increase the thickness of the penis, the attending physician will tell you. He will study the medical history and select the most optimal treatment regimen. Highly discouraging decision making on your own.
Massage and Exercise
The purpose of penis exercises and massage is to enlarge the cavernous bodies. During stimulation, they increase in size, containing the blood surge. The larger the muscle capacity, the wider the penis thickness.
The results of the hand impact on the penis become noticeable after the treatment. If necessary, after a short break, repeat sessions are performed.
Exercises should be done using specific techniques. Its violation leads to internal trauma. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on how often the penis enlargement exercises are performed. The load during exercise increases with time.
The most popular and effective exercises are:
- You should extend the member forward as much as possible, then tilt the member in different directions. In each of them, the organ is fixed for 10 seconds.
- Using your fingers to firmly grasp the base of the penis, move to your head and squeeze harder for a few seconds. This exercise is repeated at least 10 times.
- Use your index finger and thumb to massage the base of the penis, carefully stretching the skin. Gradually, the movements are replaced by patting and pinching.

elongator is a modern device designed to lengthen the penis using a special weight. The total wearing time of the extension kit is 2 months. Wearing longer can be detrimental to your health, as there is pressure on the genitals.
Penis elongation increases tissue elasticity and stimulates cell growth. When an organ is in an erect state, swelling occurs due to blood flow.
The effect is achieved by continuously stretching the tissues of the penis, leading to their proliferation and as a result the change in volume.
This helps to increase its volume. On average, the monthly increase in parameters is 5 ml. After 2 months of wearing the device, the penis will grow 1 cm larger, the maximum possible result (provided that the device is used for a long time) is 4 cm.
The following factors affect the efficiency of the process:
- Regularly placed on the device. To achieve the desired effect, it must be worn daily.
- Hormonal condition. If the problem is caused by a lack of testosterone, then wearing an extension device is useless.
- The original structure of the organ.
- Age of man. In more adulthood, changing anatomical data is more difficult than it was in children.
Vacuum pump
The work of a vacuum pump is based on the alternating pressure on the penis. A pump is a device that includes a bulb for the penis and a lever to carry air.
After placing the penis in the jar, negative pressure is created, stimulating blood flow to the pelvic organs. Hence, inertia was eliminated.
With regular use, vacuum pumps increase penis volume at home.
As a result of its use, erection problems are eliminated and the thickness of the penis increases. Negative aspects include short-term retention of results.
When choosing a pump, you should pay attention to its material. Hypoallergenic materials are most suitable. The desire to save money in this case is not appropriate. Equipment components must be sound and wear resistant.
Ointments and creams
The main benefit of thickening creams and ointments is topical use. Active ingredients do not enter the bloodstream. As a result, side effects develop in rare cases.
After applying such products, it's very annoying. It improves blood circulation by promoting blood flow to the genitals.
Plant extracts and foreign substances act as active ingredients. The effectiveness of topical application is almost immediate. They are applied just before intercourse. The members get bigger, the erection improves and the men's stamina increases.
The blemishes of creams and ointments are short-lived. It lasts no more than 1-2 days. Before use, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and the possibility of side effects. Among them, allergic reactions to constituent components are distinguished.
The synthetic method will help to increase the size of the penis. The effect becomes more pronounced when you combine multiple techniques at the same time.
Hormonal drugs

The most pressing question that worries many men is how to increase the thickness of the penis using hormonal drugs. Their effectiveness is due to their ability to increase testosterone levels in the body.
Treatment does not require manual or surgical intervention on the genitals. The increase in volume of the penis occurs naturally under the action of internal bodily processes.
The disadvantage of taking hormonal drugs is the high risk of side symptoms. Improper use of the drug will lead to excessive body hair, rough voice, and increased irritability.
Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can lead to serious complications and the loss of a complete erection.
Before using the drug, you should do an analysis to determine the hormonal status. Hormone use is only reasonable if the problems are involved. If testosterone is normal, such drugs will have the opposite effect.
There are drugs that can stimulate your own production of testosterone. They are prescribed as part of alternative therapy. Such treatment is carried out with a decrease in erectile function, thyroid dysfunction and age-related changes.
The choice of how to change the volume of the penis should be based on the complexity of the situation. It is individually identified. In the event of a slight deviation, you should seek help with a cream or ointment. In the case of hormonal disorders, tablets are taken orally. Surgical intervention is only indicated in difficult cases when other methods are ineffective.
Select the method
The choice of the thickening method is not always due to the desire of a man. This is especially true for surgical methods. Contraindications can be not only pathology, but also anatomical features of the penis structure and surrounding tissues. Usually, the doctor, in initial consultation, when examining the organ, outlines to the patient the possibilities and prospects for its proliferation.
It is also advisable not to start independent exercises to thicken the penis without consulting a male therapist. When passing the tests, contraindications can be identified, for example:
- Infections.
- Cave defect.
- Poor blood clotting.
- Problems with blood vessels in the groin.
A good expert can advise on certain techniques and accessories for independent work.
Nothing should be done to thicken your penis:
- Perform heavy exercises without time to adapt, endure pain during exercise, allow penile tissues to turn blue and black;
- At home, inject lubricants and other substances (including hormonal injections), as well as balls under the penis;
- Insist on surgical intervention without indications.
Excessive exercise will not thicken the penis, but will lose the ability to get an erection. Can necrosis of penile tissues, hematoma.
Any traumatic intervention (including injection) must be performed by a specialist in the hospital - the most common cause of stiffness (to deformity of the penis) is infection. match.
When choosing how to thicken your penis, you should focus on a few metrics: initial body profile, your age, free time and money. Young males increase in size faster and easier with the help of exercises and apparatus than adulthood (tissues lose elasticity over time).
The effects of inexpensive surgical operations last 1-1, 5 years, and the possibility of complications is always present. There are only high-tech interventions that not everyone can guarantee the thickness of the penis.